
Help a disabled trans man

A few days ago, I reached out in the hopes that someone would give me $5 so I could afford to buy myself lunch. I was blessed with $10 instead.

Now I would once again like to reach out to Tumblr and ask instead for help being able to afford a walker. My cane is not cutting it, especially as a college student who needs to commute to campus, navigate around it and carry a heavy backpack. I am asking for at least $20 to cover the cost of this adult walker but since I have to travel to go pick it up, $30 would be much appreciated. Of course, I am not expecting any one person to donate an entire $30 or even $10. Just $1 helps.

I am also going to keep this open-ended because while my main goal is the walker, I also have major healthcare expenses. I need to go to a neurologist and get an electromyography. My doctor wants me to get a blood test before that though. I am transgender and see an endocrinologist and get blood tests for that. And I see a psychiatrist and take fluoxetine (an SSRI; I don’t take the brand name but if you wanna know, it’s called Prozac).

My insurance does not cover much when it does cover anything, so the costs are very high. I appreciate any help even if I just get a few bucks to go towards the walker.


Or ask me for my email address