

Until now my answer has always been no, I only had deviantart (you can watch and find me always here) but I basically never post nsfw on dA. Tumblr was the only place where I posted much, much more, and deviantart was always at disadvantage to be honest cause I’ve been updating here much more often! 

But now, just now, forced by idiots who manage this hellsite, I created a twitter account.

It’s here:

Follow me there if you want but I still think that twitter is not too artist-friendly and is not suitable to be an art platform. I can’t imagine posting a comic strip there. It’s not like my tumblr account is getting deleted – I’m not giving up and I’m not leaving. I still will be uploading my art and my strips here. We’re not leaving, hell no, unless they kick me and my gang out. I made twitter account just in case tumblr dies and sinks like a boat. 

I’m so disheartened, sad and I feel like this site simply, wholeheartedly, slapped me in the face. I’ve been reporting and flagging porn bots as often as I could, trying to help tumblr stand up back on its feet and survive, many users have done the same thing. And this is what we got in return, tumblr banning content they’ve be thriving on for YEARS. I felt safe here, I loved it here. I LOVE drawing nsfw. I don’t want to lose followers (but I noticed I’m already losing them or they’re simply getting terminated) but what else can I do.

@staff, wake the fuck up and don’t destroy your community. You still have 2 weeks to reconsider your idiocy, simply to speak. What were the filters for? What was flagging for? To get terminated? Deleted? What about people who felt like home here? What about people who drew nsfw and made money out of it? You’re doing it so fucking wrong it makes my head ache.

Well, to sum up, I’ll be on twitter for sure. If something happens, you can find me and my boys and girls there. 


As for pixiv, I do have it but I don’t post there. I would have to pick up a broom and clean that place up cause all I have there is old and shitty drawn jojo fanart and nothing more – once I do, I’ll definitely let you guys know!


And it’s done 8D

Sadly I wasn’t and I won’t be able to draw stuff like the ceremony or the party. Firstly because these two aren’t my main ocs, I have a grudge against Ethan lmao and I don’t have time. But congratulations to them and I hope that Ethan’s married life will cast the troll out of him : V As for Risa I’m not worried at all this good girl is strong and she’s the only one who knows the real him and knows how to take control 8D

Have Aren and Jun been to their wedding? Who knows. Well – I do know and once I have more time I’ll produce some evidence/confirmation if they’ve been there or not.

As for now, Congratulations to them~~

Ethan and Risa are my ocs. Don’t edit, re-post, copy, claim or use in any way. Thank you!


He was shameless, like all the Demons I was warned about. His eyes were blue and cold as ice, but his heart was warmer than the golden Sun.

My first work done with the new tablet, I know there’s no difference but I’m proud and happy ❤

They both are my ocs. Don’t edit, re-post, copy, claim or use in any way. Thank you!